Forms and Attachments (required)
000001 – Chamber
000002 – Builders Exchange
Pre-Bid Meeting Information
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NOTICE OF INVITATION FOR BIDBids must be submitted through SacRT’s PlanetBids Vendor Portal no later than 2:00 p.m. on Friday, September 6, 2024, at which time bids will be publicly available to view on the PlanetBids site.
General work description: SacRT is requesting bids from qualified contractors to remove and replace an existing wheelchair lift located at the westbound (WB) platform of the SacRT Light Rail (LR) station at the intersection of 8th Street and Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA, including labor, supervision, equipment, material, supplies, and related services.
The work that is the subject of this bid is a public work within the meaning of Chapter 1 (beginning with Section 1720) of Part 7 of Division 2 of the California Labor Code to which Section 1771 (Payment of Prevailing Wages) applies.
Contractor license classification at the time of award must be C-11. In addition, Contractor must have State Licensed Certified Competent Conveyance Mechanic (CCCM) that can legally decommission the current broken lift. Each subcontractor performing services under this Contract must perform services under Contractor’s direction and control unless the subcontractor is a licensed contractor performing work within the scope of its license.
It is SacRT’s policy that Small Business Enterprises (SBE), defined as a business that has been certified as a small business by the California Department of General Services or any other public agency that certifies small businesses under applicable laws, will have an equal opportunity to participate in the performance of this Contract. To further that policy, SacRT will provide a 5% price preference to Bidders meeting the SBE participation goal set for this Contract. See Attachment 7 Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Requirements for additional information and required forms. A Bidder claiming the preference must complete and submit SBE/LBE Form 1a SBE/LBE Participation Certification.