2024 COA – RFP 221168-Fixed Charge
Timeline: Register interest no later than September 3, 2024, 4:00 PM PT. RFP tentative release date: August 6, 2024. Formal RFP responses are due September 4, 2024, at 4:00 PM PT.
Website: Bid Opportunities (pge.com)
Description: PG&E is seeking a qualified firm to serve as Process Working Group Facilitator. The successful bidder will have experience facilitating stakeholder convenings, conducting research independently, and developing written summaries of conclusions (incorporating stakeholder feedback). Specifically, the successful bidder will have experience with income verification procedures.
If Additional Questions, contact by registering for Wood Mackenzie/Power Advocate access and submit questions using the event messaging system https://www.poweradvocate.com/pR.do?okey=221168&pubEvent=true
For questions, email SupplierDiversityTeam@pge.com.