2024019 FORMS (required)
541611 – Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
541820 – Public Relations Agencies
921120 – Legislative Bodies
921190 – Other General Government Support
000001 – Chamber
Pre-Bid Meeting Information
Online Q&A
Contact Information
Request for Proposals
FEDERAL LOBBYING SERVICESNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) is soliciting proposals from Contractors with qualifications, experience, and knowledge to provide Federal Lobbying Services. The Procurement Analyst responsible for this solicitation is:
Issa Fakhoury, Senior Procurement Analyst, ifakhoury@sacrt.com
RFP and other proposal information may be downloaded from SacRT’s Planet Bids Vendor Portal after completion of Vendor Registration. This publication (information) is available in accessible formats. Please contact the analyst listed above or call SacRT’s TDD line at 916-483-HEAR (4327) to request an accessible format.
It is SacRT’s policy that Small Business Enterprises (SBE) and Local Business Enterprise (LBE) will have an equal opportunity to participate in the performance of this Contract. SBE is defined as a business that has been certified by the California Department of General Services (DGS) or any other public agency that certifies small businesses under applicable laws. LBE is defined as a business that maintains its Principal Place of Business within the geographical boundaries of Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer, Sutter, Yolo, or Yuba counties, and must be an established business entity conducting business operations for at least 6 consecutive months prior to the due date of the bid or proposal. To further that policy, SacRT will provide a 10% point preference to Bidders meeting the SBE participation goal and a 10% point preference to Bidders meeting the Local Business participation goal set for this Contract. Bidders eligible for both preferences will receive a 20% point preference. See Attachment 7 Small and Local Business Enterprise (SBE/LBE) Requirements for additional information and required forms.
A Proposer claiming a preference must complete and submit SBE/LBE Form 1a SBE/LBE Participation Certification with its Proposal.
SacRT hereby notifies all proposers it will affirmatively ensure that, regarding any contract entered into pursuant to this solicitation, all proposers will be afforded full opportunity to submit a proposal in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against based on race, color, creed, sex, disability, age, or national origin in consideration for an award.
SacRT does not prequalify subcontractor firms. However, Prime Contractors are encouraged to review the
Prospective Bidders list on PlanetBids to find interested firms for subcontracting opportunities.
Proposals must be submitted through SacRT’s PlanetBids Vendor Portal by no later than 2:00 p.m., Wednesday,
November 20, 2024, Pacific Local Time.
SacRT reserves the right, as its interests may require, to reject all proposals, to waive any informality or minor irregularities, and to accept or reject any items of the proposal. In addition, SacRT reserves the right to reopen the solicitation if no responsive proposals are received.