Opportunity Announcement Type: RFP 224172 – Evaluation for the CHANGES Program
Title: Evaluation for the CHANGES Program
Timeline: Register interest no later than November 20, 2024, 3:00 PM PT. RFP tentative release date: October 23, 2024. RFP responses due November 20, 2024, at 3:00 PM PT.
Website: Bid Opportunities (pge.com)
Description: On behalf of the California Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is conducting this solicitation to select a Bidder(s) to develop and implement an evaluation of the Community Help and Awareness of Natural Gas and Electricity Services (CHANGES) program. Started as a pilot in 2011, the CHANGES program delivers in-language services to Limited-English Proficient (LEP) customers of the four IOUs, through a statewide network of 25 participating Community-Based Organizations. The program offers individualized case assistance, education, and outreach to help LEP customers manage their natural gas and electricity services.
If Additional Questions: Bidders interested in participating in this COA must: Register in the Wood Mackenzie/PowerAdvocate event, by November 20, 2024, https://www.poweradvocate.com/pR.do?okey=224172&pubEvent=true RFP response due date is November 20, 2024, by 3 PM PST
Contract Opportunity Title: RFP 224172 – Evaluation for the CHANGES Program
Request For: Request For Proposal (RFP)
Estimated Contract Value: $175,000 over 1 Year
Work Location: Across PG&E, SCE, SCG, and SDG&E service territories
Response Due Date: Register interest no later than November 20, 2024, 3:00 PM PT.
RFP tentative release date: October 23, 2024.
RFP responses due November 20, 2024, at 3:00 PM PT.
NAICS Code / Size Standard: 541690/$19M
For questions, email SupplierDiversityTeam@pge.com.
Click Here: 2024 COA-RFP 224172 CHANGES Evaluation