SMUD Meet the Primes event and bid opportunities
Meet the Primes Event
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
6301 S Street
Sacramento , ca
This is an excellent opportunity for your members who provide contracting or construction services to connect with three large builders before they bid on our $85M Power Control Center project – please share the attached flyer with anyone who might be interested!
In other exciting news, our Workforce Development webpage has launched and will be an excellent resource for employers to find skilled workers and job seekers to connect with local training programs through our partners. Please feel free to share this website ( with your members, partners, and job seekers, and encourage them to use the easy fill in form to contact us at any time!
Finally, please find the most recent bid opportunity templates attached here (pdf/jpg/png) formats for incorporation into your member communications and/or social media platforms. We currently have over $25M in contracts available! =SMUD Solicitation Portal = Small business contract opportunities (